Frequently Asked Questions


Does it affect color?
Rarely: Nu-RICE is a natural light tan color that blends into most formulations. In pure white products, a whitener may be required (titanium dioxide).
Does Nu-RICE extend the shelf-life?
Nu-RICE can extend the shelf-life by holding more moisture, so the product will stay fresh longer. The extension will depend on packaging, preservatives, gas flushing and other factors. Nu-RICE is not a preservative.
How much will it increase volume?
Typically a 10% increase in volume.
Is it a fiber?
No. It is the water-soluble extract from rice bran.
What is the functional benefit of Nu-RICE in a cereal puff / snack / pasta extrusion application? Why is there better performance than other extrusion / processing aids?
It serves two functions: 1) hydration aid to help the moisture go into the grain-based material faster and more evenly (multi-grain products), almost like a pre-conditioner in a bag; and 2) functions like a mono- or diglyceride that allows the oils in the grain to work with the water that is added to improve extrusion performance. It also lowers the bulk density and reduces breakage.

A hydration aid, in expanded products provides uniform hydration = uniform cooking and unform expansion. Nu-RICE is superior to monos in this area. See case study on Nu-RICE in corn curls from Texas A&M University.

The study documents uniform cell structure, lower bulk density, reduction in breakage, smoother surface and faster output. Corn from the southern hemisphere is typically a flint-style corn versus a dent-style corn in the northern hemisphere. Nu-RICE will significantly improve flint-corn products by eliminating the hard spots that are un-cooked. Additionally, the Nu-RICE will give a more uniform cell structure, which results in a softer bite and less tooth packing.

Which of your products is best used for meat analogue concepts? What will their function be if used for meat analogues?
Nu-RICE at 0.5%, potentially up to 1%, for added texture and extrusion assistance. This is untested, but if the meat analog product needs a stronger texture or a binding effect, you could consider testing Nu-BIND at 0.5-1% and analyze results.
Is there a difference in stability for the different products (soy, sunflower lecithin)?
Yes, please refer to a emulsion stability that compares the strength and stability of different products, in an oil-in-water system. If the application is water-in-oil, the values would be different.
Have there been any oil binding stability tests for Nu-RICE vs lecithin?
Yes – please refer to for case studies.
Is the functionality of Nu-RICE in replacing soy lecithin the same for sunflower or rapeseed lecithin?
Let’s compare the two different types of lecithin: liquid and powdered.
A liquid is generally 80% oil and 20% lecithin. In that application, you would use 80% oil and 20% Nu-RICE to achieve the same/similar functionality. In these ratios, Nu-RICE should be equal or possibly cheaper in cost at last calculation. In powdered lecithin (de-oiled), the Nu-RICE should be substantially cheaper in cost.

In virtually all applications, for Nu-RICE to function, it requires water. Chocolate or other systems with limited to no moisture, create problems for a high HLB emulsifier.

Can Nu-RICE act as a surfactant and help foaming / frothing of RTD plant milks?
No. It is not a foam creator, as the air entrapment is not strong. It is a surfactant or hydration aid in powdered beverages since it breaks the surface tension of water and encourages hydration of the powder.
If the usage rate is too high, can it result in tooth-pack?
No, just the opposite, it reduces tooth packing. If 0.5% Nu-RICE makes the snack too delicate, the usage rate can be scaled back to 0.33% or even 0.25% as needed.
What is the difference between Nu-BAKE and Nu-RICE?
RIBUS produces rice bran extract and sells it under two brand names: Nu-BAKE® and Nu-RICE®. While the products are identical, we sell them under different names because they are used slightly differently in different applications.
How much Nu-RICE should I use?
Typically, 0.25% or less to bind oil with water and between 0.33-0.5% for extrusion or moisture retention (preventing freezer burn). Please see our Getting Started Guide for our suggested use levels and other important information.
What is the HLB of Nu-RICE? Is it consistent?
Yes, the HLB is typically between 14.5 and 15 and is consistent across production lots.